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Windspeed Handheld

JDC Skywatch Wind - Green - Pocket Wind and Temperature Gauge

JDC Skywatch Wind - Green - Pocket Wind and Temperature Gauge


£49.10 RRP £57.77

JDC Skywatch Wind - Red - Pocket Wind and Temperature Gauge

JDC Skywatch Wind - Red - Pocket Wind and Temperature Gauge


£49.10 RRP £57.77

JDC Skywatch Eole Handheld Wind Speed Meter - Handheld Anemometer

JDC Skywatch Eole Handheld Wind Speed Meter - Handheld Anemometer


£79.12 RRP £93.08

JDC Skywatch Meteos Wind and Temperature Meter

JDC Skywatch Meteos Wind and Temperature Meter


£90.70 RRP £106.71

JDC Skywatch Atmos Wind Temperature Humidity Meter

JDC Skywatch Atmos Wind Temperature Humidity Meter


£127.37 RRP £149.85

JDC Skywatch Anemometer Nylon Protection Pouch - Eole Meteos Atmos

JDC Skywatch Anemometer Nylon Protection Pouch - Eole Meteos Atmos


£18.77 RRP £20.86
