We understand that delivering what you have ordered correctly and on time is the most important thing to you. If something goes wrong (and very occasionally it does), fixing the problem quickly is our highest priority.
If you have any issues whatsoever, please drop us an email at
Alternatively, call us on 01394 451000
If you wish to return an item, please complete the returns form that we sent with your order or you can download a copy here:
Download PDF Returns Form HereYou may return any items within 14 days for a full refund or exchange.
Please return goods in a re-merchantable condition.
Ensure all goods are carefully packaged.
International returns, please call or email for advice.
If an item is faulty it will be returned to the manufacturer for testing, this may take up to 28 working days. If no fault is found a service and postage charge may be incurred.
Rope, Webbing or Chain is subject to a 15% handling charge upon return.
Your right of cancellationYou have the right to cancel the contract at any time up to the end of 14 days after you receive the goods (see below). A working day is any day other than weekends and bank or other public holidays.
If you exercise your right of cancellation after the goods have been delivered to you, you will be responsible for returning the goods to Seamark Nunn at your own cost. The goods must be returned to the address shown below within 28 days. You must take reasonable care to ensure the goods are not damaged in the meantime or in transit.
You do not have the right to cancel the contract if the order is for audio or video recordings or computer software, electronic charts, CDs and DVDs which has been unsealed by you, or for goods which by their nature cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.
Extended Christmas Returns Policy Any purchases made from 1st November can be returned for refund/exchange up to the 14th January.